Star Wars X-Wing Fighter

Kit: MPC ERTL X-Wing Fighter

I completed this model sometime late in high school, mid-1990s.  I had done this kit before once as well, but it had some issues, namely the wing tips broke off all the time and the (red Christmas) lights built into the engines took too much power (a 9v battery) to run so there were always two large wires hanging out the back.

Some of my early work of weathering, mostly flat black paint and thinner.

This model has a cockpit light and also 4 small lights powering the engine.

Looks just like the ones in the movie in the dark!

It comes with a base that’s supposed to look like an explosion I guess. Nice thought!

The little pilot figure (could be anyone) doesn’t look too bad inside the cockpit but it’s SO BAD when you take him out. Thankfully the cockpit doesn’t open.

What I consider to be the most impressive thing about this model is the battery compartment I built in.  It’s just under the nose cone and to the casual eye it looks just like another panel.  It pops open and gives access (barely) to the tiny “N” size 1.5v battery inside.

While pieces have broken off over the years I’ve managed to keep it together somehow and it’s still on display in 2022.

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