I got my act together and corrected the Libyans misspelling and proceeded to make 18 more of these VW Buses. Why 18? That’s all I could get my hands on at the time, even with help from my friend Tom who got me 9 of them for my birthday.
I added the serial number system and printed the cards on a better grade of cardboard so things were looking up.
This was my first assembly-line style project (as opposed to making just one or a few) and it was exhausting!
I added some padding to a wooden stake and was able to tape the buses upside-down to do the blue paint, which was a Model Master/Testors blue. I still use a modified version of this to this day to spray paint cars. Not knowing any better, I used to grind off the original paint with a mounted wire wheel.
Car bodies drying and cards gluing. You can see the other side of the various cereal boxes at the tops of the cards before cropping.
Here’s all 18 of my first run of cars! They were great sellers and I don’t think people had seen anything like it at the time.