1990 Lotus Turbo Esprit (John Player Special)

Kit: Monogram 1990 Lotus Turbo Esprit 1/24 Scale

I used to look a lot older than I was, and in some cases that worked out pretty well.

My dad and I visited a combination Subaru/Daihatsu/Lotus dealership. (!?) We were all dressed up for whatever reason so I could pass for about 23-25ish but I was only 15 1/2.  My dad told them I was the one with all the money, so they basically just let me look around for about an hour. I got to sit in all their Lotus(es) and this one must’ve amazed me, the John Players Special Edition (could be the John Deere Special Edition lol.)

No, for real though.. they painted some cars like this. Real ones. But better than I did obviously.

I got an airbrush kit sometime right before then and this was the first (and last) car I used it on. I thinned out Testors enamel to flow through the airbrush.  All in all it was a pain in the butt and it went on a little thin. I didn’t have a proper compressor or really a place to work too well so it was not a good situation.

I was big into mounting speakers in my models at the time, and this one got a huge set of headphones, but mounted poorly and sloppily.

The hookups go out where the tailpipes should go, and end in loose wires. It sounds ok, but looks hokey when hooked up.

Still a brilliant design for the car. I wish it had turned out better but you have to start learning somewhere.

All good practice for my MUCH better Lotus Esprit – See it here!

This car got sent to the scrapper.. R.I.P.

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