Kit: Monogram 1980s Jeep Wrangler CJ 1/24 Scale

When you’ve got almost nothing to work with, start with that.. I guess. – 15 year old Me.

As stated in the Ford Explorer page, I saw the original ‘Jurassic Park’ in the theater no less than 15 times. After making the Explorer model, I tried making a T-Rex but messed it up pretty bad. Back to cars..

Unfortunately at the time there wasn’t (to my knowledge) a proper year of Jeep Wrangler out there so this is what I could find at my local hobby store. It was close enough-ish to make me happy as a teenager.

This is the same Jeep as used to make the Daisy Duke “Dixie” Jeep. The kit seemed to go together much better this time around though.

The paint is gray, which looks an awful lot like how it is on screen. The real Jeep color is more of a misty warm silvery beige color though. This was way before the Internet so I had to guess.

All the details like the Jurassic Park logos and numbers are all done by hand. I even made a little rear-view mirror pass and a custom tire cover.
Surprisingly I still have this car after all these years!